
  • Miscellanea

  • Translation Title: La religion protestante, une voye sure au salut. Par Guillaume Chillingworth, trad. de l'Anglois par Parrain de Durette, avec des disserations de Jean Hales
  • Original Author: William Chillingworth, John Hales and Pierre Des Maizeaux
  • Original title: Miscellanea
  • Publ. Year From: 1684 to: 1724
  • lang: English
  • Translation: La religion protestante, une voye sure au salut. Par Guillaume Chillingworth, trad. de l'Anglois par Parrain de Durette, avec des disserations de Jean Hales
  • Pub. Place: Amsterdam
  • Pub. Date: 1729
  • Lang: French
  • Note:

    This translation includes religious tracts and a summary of the lives of their authors, Chillingworth and Hales.

    In particular: William Chillingworth, The religion of Protestants a safe way to Salvation, Oxford, 1638; John Hales, Several Tracts, London, 1716; and pieces taken from François Des Maizeaux's An historical and critical account of the life and writings of the ever-memorable Mr. John Hales, London, 1719 and An historical and critical account of the life and writings of W. Chillingworth, London, 1725.

    While the translation of Chillingworth's treatise is to be attributed to Parrain de Durette, there is no information concerning the translator of Hales' tracts.





  • Giovanni Lista