
  • Observations on Man, His Frame, His Duty, and His Expectations

  • Translation Title: Explication physique des sens, des idées et des mouvemens, tant volontaires qu'involontaires
  • Original Author: David Hartley
  • Original title: Observations on Man, His Frame, His Duty, and His Expectations
  • Publ. Year From: 1748 to:
  • lang: English
  • Translation: Explication physique des sens, des idées et des mouvemens, tant volontaires qu'involontaires
  • Publisher: Delaistre-Godet
  • Pub. Place: Reims
  • Pub. Date: 1754
  • Lang: French
  • Note:

    This translation, dedicated to Georges-Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon, does not include the second part of the original work, which was dedicated to religious matters.

  • A New Geographical and Historical Grammar, with a set of twenty-two Maps

  • Translation Title: Description générale de l'univers traduite de l'anglois de Salmons d'après la XVème édition donnée à Londres en 1768, revue, corrigée et augmentée par l'abbé Jurain
  • Original Author: Thomas Salmon
  • Original title: A New Geographical and Historical Grammar, with a set of twenty-two Maps
  • Publ. Year From: 1748 to:
  • lang: English
  • Note:
  • Translation: Description générale de l'univers traduite de l'anglois de Salmons d'après la XVème édition donnée à Londres en 1768, revue, corrigée et augmentée par l'abbé Jurain
  • Pub. Place: Paris
  • Pub. Date: 1775
  • Lang: French
  • Note:
    According to the title of this posthumously published translation, Jurain would have used the fifteenth edition of Salmon's work from 1768, but this edition does not seem to exist.

    Jurain expanded the section on France, adding bits and pieces he wrote himself.



  • Giovanni Lista