Family Name: | Müteferrika | |||||
First Name: | Ibrahim | |||||
Birth Date: | 1672 | |||||
Birth Place: | Kolozsvár (Cluj) | |||||
Death Date: | 1745 | |||||
Death Place: | Costantinople | |||||
Main places of activity: |
Personal info: |
Original Title | Translation title | Author |
Institutiones philosophicæ ad faciliorem veterum, ac recentorum philosophorum lectionem comparatae |
Edme Pourchot |
Specimen theoriae magneticae |
Füyuzat-ı Mıknatısiye
Christoph Eberhard |
Other works
Title | Publication Year | Publisher | Author |
Risâle Islâmiyye | 1710 | ||
Vesiletü’t-T. ıb,a | 1729 | ||
Usülü’l-Hikem fi Nizamü’l-Ümem | 1732 |
translations activities
Müteferrika played an important role in the transmission of Western ideas to the Ottoman empire, his printing press acting as a veritable machine designed for cultural mediation. His interest for mechanical arts and practical naturalism made Müteferrika focus his efforts on scientific tracts, pushing for instance for the transformation of Ottoman ethnographic geography into cartography.
In order to adapt their contents to Constantinople's audience, he translated original scientific Latin works into a polished Arabic poetic idiom, which often removed problematic references to certain European authors. An example in this sense is Müteferrika use of Pourchot's harmless version of Descartes' philosophy to engage with the latter's physics and reaffirm the scientific accuracy of the Copernican system against the Ptolemaic perspectives.
secondary bibliography references
William J. Watson, 'Ibrahim Muteferrika and Turkish Incunabula', Journal of the American Oriental Society, 88, n° 3 (1968), 435-41.
Gerald Duverdier, 'Savary de Brèves et Ibrahim Müteferrika: Deux drogmans culturels à l’origine de l’imprimerie Turque', Bulletin du Bibliophile, 3 (1987), 322-59.
Zorka Ivanova, 'Les éditions imprimées par Ibrahim Müteferrika et la bibliothèque du waqf de Vidin', Études Balkaniques, 1, n°16 (2009), 199-218.
Orlin Sabev, 'Portrait and Self-Portrait: Ibrahim Müteferrika’s Mind Games', Journal of Ottoman Studies, 44 (2014), 99–121.
Vefa Erginbas, 'Enlightenment in the Ottoman Context: Ibrahim Müteferrika and His Intellectual Landscape', in Historical Aspects of Printing and Publishing in Languages of the Middle East, edited by Geoffrey Roper, Brill, 2014, 53-100.
B. Harun Küçük, 'Ibrahim Müteferrika's Copernican Rhetoric', in Translating Early Modern Science, edited by Sietske Fransen, Niall Hodson and Karl A. E. Enenkel, BRILL, 2017, 258-86.
Marinos Sariyannis, A History of Ottoman Political Thought up to the Early Nineteenth Century, Brill, 2018, 381-400.
Institutiones philosophicæ ad faciliorem veterum, ac recentorum philosophorum lectionem comparatae
- Translation Title: Cihannüma
- Original Author: Edme Pourchot
- Original title: Institutiones philosophicæ ad faciliorem veterum, ac recentorum philosophorum lectionem comparatae
- Publ. Year From: 1694 to: 1729
- lang: Latin
- Translation: Cihannüma
- Pub. Place: Constantinople
- Pub. Date: 1731
- Lang: Arabic
- Note:
Müteferrika used his preface to Katip Çelebi's Cihannüma or 'Cosmorama' to translate passage of Pourchot.
Specimen theoriae magneticae
- Translation Title: Füyuzat-ı Mıknatısiye
- Original Author: Christoph Eberhard
- Original title: Specimen theoriae magneticae
- Publ. Year From: 1718 to:
- lang: Latin
- Translation: Füyuzat-ı Mıknatısiye
- Pub. Place: Costantinople
- Pub. Date: 1732
- Lang: Arabic
- Note:
Müteferrika's 'Magnetic Effluvia' is an uncredited translation, which also includes some parts of Pourchot's Institutiones discussing Cartesian magnetism.

- Giovanni Lista