
  • Letters on the Study and Use of History

  • Translation Title: Lettres sur l'histoire
  • Original Author: Henry St. John, First Viscount Bolingbroke
  • Original title: Letters on the Study and Use of History
  • Publ. Year From: 1737 to:
  • lang: English
  • Note:

    First published in 1752, a year after Bolingbroke's death, but a "private" edition had already been printed by Alexander Pope in 1738, who kept one copy and distributed copies to Bolingbroke and six of his friends. Barbeu du Bourg claims in the preface to his translation that he had Bolingbroke's permission to make a translation of Pope's version, as long as he agreed not to publish it until after Bolingbroke's death. But the differences between the 1738 and the 1752 versions are minor (George Nadel, "New Light on Bolingbroke's Letters on History," Journal of the History of Ideas 23, no. 4 (Oct.-Dec. 1962): 550-57.)

    In the preface to his translation Barbeu du Bourg claimed to have translated from Pope's version beginning in 1741, but to have compared this with the edition that was prepared by David Mallet and published in 1752.

  • Title: Letters on the Study and Use of History
  • Publisher: Alexander Pope
  • Pub. Place: London
  • Pub. Year: 1737
  • Lang: English
  • Note:

    See information concerning original

  • Translation: Lettres sur l'histoire
  • N° Editions: 2
  • Pub. Place: Paris
  • Pub. Date: 1751
  • Lang: French
  • Note:

    Another 2 vol. edition was published in London by A. Millar, under the title Lettres sur la manière d'étudier l'histoire par Bolingbroke, trad. de l'angl. par Barbeu du Bourg. Excerpts also appeared in the periodical Mémoires pour l'histoire des sciences et des beaux arts (oct. 1752).

  • Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania, to the Inhabitants of the British Colonies

  • Translation Title: Lettres d'un fermier de Pensylvanie aux habitans de l'Amérique septentrionale
  • Original Author: John Dickinson
  • Original title: Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania, to the Inhabitants of the British Colonies
  • lang: English
  • Title: Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania, to the Inhabitants of the British Colonies
  • Publisher: John Almon
  • Pub. Place: London
  • Lang: English
  • Note:

    This edition includes a preface attributed to Franklin, which also appears in the translated version.

  • Translation: Lettres d'un fermier de Pensylvanie aux habitans de l'Amérique septentrionale
  • Pub. Place: Paris
  • Lang: French
  • Note:

    imprint reads "Amsterdam: aux dépens de la compagnie"

  • Experiments and Observations on Electricity, made at Philadelphia in America

  • Translation Title: Oeuvres de M. Franklin...traduites de l'anglois sur la quatrième édition par M. Barbeu Dubourg
  • Original Author: Benjamin Franklin
  • Original title: Experiments and Observations on Electricity, made at Philadelphia in America
  • lang: English
  • Title: Experiments and Observations on Electricity, made at Philadelphia in America
  • Publisher: David Henry and Francis Newbery
  • Pub. Place: London
  • Lang: English
  • Note:

    The title page of the translation claims it was done from the 4th edition, which had substantially more material than the first edition (538 pages vs. 94). The Preface explains that the translator changed the order of the contents found in the London edition (separating the works on electricity from works dealing with other topics) and added other pieces provided by Franklin.

  • Translation: Oeuvres de M. Franklin...traduites de l'anglois sur la quatrième édition par M. Barbeu Dubourg
  • Publisher: Quilleau, Esprit, Barbeu du Bourg
  • Pub. Place: Paris
  • Lang: French
  • Note:

     Barbeu du Bourg added a significant amount of commentary to Franklin's works. According to Aldridge, parts of the works were translated by Lesqui (i.e .Lécuy) and Le Roy (perhaps at Barbeu du Bourg's request) but the two men gave up at some point, so it is difficult to say which parts were translated by them. Barbeu du Bourg corresponded with Franklin during the process and asked him to clarify certain points and to check the translation. (Aldridge, p. 343)



  • William Slauter