
  • A comparative view of the state and faculties of man with those of the animal world

  • Translation Title: Essai sur les moyens de rendre les facultés de l'homme plus utiles à son bonheur
  • Original Author: John Gregory
  • Original title: A comparative view of the state and faculties of man with those of the animal world
  • lang: English
  • Note:
  • Title: A comparative view of the state and faculties of man with those of the animal world
  • Publisher: J. Dodsley
  • Pub. Place: London
  • Pub. Year: 1773
  • Translation: Essai sur les moyens de rendre les facultés de l'homme plus utiles à son bonheur
  • Publisher: Lacombe
  • Pub. Place: Paris
  • Lang: French
  • Note:

    Translation attributed to her by Geffroy, "Louise de Kéralio", p.105.

  • Istoria del granducato di Toscana sotto il governo della casa Medici

  • Translation Title: Histoire du Grand-Duché de Toscane sous le gouvernement des Medicis
  • Original Author: Galluzzi, Riguccio
  • Original title: Istoria del granducato di Toscana sotto il governo della casa Medici
  • lang: Italian
  • Translation: Histoire du Grand-Duché de Toscane sous le gouvernement des Medicis
  • Publisher: rue Serpente
  • Pub. Place: Paris
  • Lang: French
  • Note:

    Lefèvre de Villebrune translated vols. 1 to 5; Kéralio vols. 6 to 9.

  • Travels in the two Sicilies, by Henry Swinburne, Esq. in the years 1777, 1778, 1779 and 1780

  • Translation Title: Voyages dans les Deux-Siciles
  • Original Author: Henry Swinburne
  • Original title: Travels in the two Sicilies, by Henry Swinburne, Esq. in the years 1777, 1778, 1779 and 1780
  • Publ. Year From: 1782 to: 1784
  • lang: English
  • Translation: Voyages dans les Deux-Siciles
  • Publisher: Barrois
  • N° Editions: 1
  • Pub. Place: Paris
  • Pub. Date: 1784
  • Lang: French
  • Note:

    The preface contains a note by the translator
    The translation is unfinished.
    The translation was announced and praised in Le Censeur universel anglais
    Another translation of the same work, by J.-B. de la Borde, came out in 1785-87

  • A Discourse on the love of our country, delivered on Nov. 4, 1789 at the meeting-house in the Old Jewry, to the Society for commemorating the revolution in Great-Britain. With an appendix, containing the Report of the Committee of the Society; an Account of the Population in France, and the Declaration of Rights by the National Assembly of France

  • Translation Title: Discours sur l'amour de la patrie, prononcé par le Dr Richard Price, le 4 novembre 1789, à la séance de la Société instituée pour la commémoration de la Révolution dans la Grande-Bretagne
  • Original Author: Richard Price
  • Original title: A Discourse on the love of our country, delivered on Nov. 4, 1789 at the meeting-house in the Old Jewry, to the Society for commemorating the revolution in Great-Britain. With an appendix, containing the Report of the Committee of the Society; an Account of the Population in France, and the Declaration of Rights by the National Assembly of France
  • Publ. Year From: 1788 to:
  • lang: English
  • Translation: Discours sur l'amour de la patrie, prononcé par le Dr Richard Price, le 4 novembre 1789, à la séance de la Société instituée pour la commémoration de la Révolution dans la Grande-Bretagne
  • Publisher: Prault
  • Pub. Place: Paris
  • Pub. Date: 1789
  • The state of the prisons in England and Wales, with preliminary observations, and an account of some foreign prisons

  • Translation Title: État des prisons, des hôpitaux et des maisons de force, par John Howard.
  • Original Author: John Howard
  • Original title: The state of the prisons in England and Wales, with preliminary observations, and an account of some foreign prisons
  • Publ. Year From: 1776 to:
  • lang: English
  • Note:

    Appendix published in 1780

  • Title: The State of the prisons in England and Wales, with Preliminary Observations, and an Account of some foreign prisons and hospitals
  • Publisher: T. Cadell, J. Johnson, C. Dilly
  • Pub. Place: London
  • Pub. Year: 1783
  • Lang: English
  • Note:

    Probably the source of the translation.

  • Translation: État des prisons, des hôpitaux et des maisons de force, par John Howard.
  • Publisher: Lagrange
  • Pub. Place: Paris
  • Pub. Date: 1787
  • Lang: French
  • Note:

    The translation is also attributed to J. P. Béranger

  • The Stranger in Ireland: or A tour in the southern and western parts of that country, in the year 1805

  • Translation Title: L'Étranger en Irlande, ou Voyage dans les parties méridionales et occidentales de cette isle, dans l'année 1805
  • Original Author: John Carr
  • Original title: The Stranger in Ireland: or A tour in the southern and western parts of that country, in the year 1805
  • Publ. Year From: 1805 to:
  • lang: English
  • Translation: L'Étranger en Irlande, ou Voyage dans les parties méridionales et occidentales de cette isle, dans l'année 1805
  • Publisher: L. Collin
  • Pub. Place: Paris
  • Pub. Date: 1808
  • Lang: French
  • A Tour through Holland, along the right and left banks of the Rhine, to the South of Germany in the summer of 1806

  • Translation Title: Voyage en Hollande et dans le midi de l'Allemagne, sur les deux rives du Rhin, dans l'été de 1806
  • Original Author: John Carr
  • Original title: A Tour through Holland, along the right and left banks of the Rhine, to the South of Germany in the summer of 1806
  • Publ. Year From: 1806 to:
  • lang: English
  • Translation: Voyage en Hollande et dans le midi de l'Allemagne, sur les deux rives du Rhin, dans l'été de 1806
  • Publisher: L. Collin
  • Pub. Place: Paris
  • Pub. Date: 1808
  • Lang: French


  • Emmanuelle de Champs